The students prepare for the All India Secondary School Examination conducted by the CBSE.
Besides being taught the Languages, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies, the students also study Information Technology. Emphasis is laid on Yoga, Music, Dance and Physical Education for a holistic development of the girl child.Punjabi/ Sanskrit is compulsory upto VIII.
The syllabus is enriched by teacher designed worksheets and subject integrated projects. Emphasis is placed on learning by asking questions, problem solving and through application. This is reinforced through curriculum related tips, workshops, seminars and videos . Inquiry and the use of resources such as ICT complement all the strategies we use to help students to become life-long learners.

Secondary: There is a well developed system of evaluation and assessment at all levels. This is done through a variety of methods which include oral work, open book assignments. And revision exercises with long and objective type questions, projects and written assignments.
Subjects offered to Class IX and X
- English Language & Literarture ( Compulsory)
- Hindi ( Compulsory )
- Mathematics (Basic & Standard)
- Science
- Social Studies
- AI